terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

World Youth Day Rio2013 - More friends, more faith, more courage!

I must say that the World Youth Day Rio2013 has changed my life. Really. At the beginning, I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean, I was in the Communication Sector, the scales were very disorganized, and 
I was completely lost. "What will I do? How? When?" - I keep asking to myself. 

On Wednesday, 24, I should go to the Vocational Fair in order to write an article. I didn't want to go alone, and then, Gabriela and Lucas told me that they also would like to go. I was so happy! While we were walking, we have met Gledis and Zola in front of the stand of The Community Sant'Egidio, and they said: "Bonjour!". That's how it started this awesome friendship. After this, things got better and better!

Still on Wednesday, we went to the church Divino Espírito Santo. We sang lots of songs, we met more people, and we prayed. I had so much to thank for.

On Thursday, we had a nice dinner after the event with the Pope. Everything was wonderful. The speech of Pope Francis, the songs, the good energy, the happiness in everyone's looks. It didn't matter how cold it was. It didn't matter even if it was raining. All of us, pilgrims, volunteers, people from almost every corner of the world together in Copacabana beach was like a miracle. Those images in my mind seem a wonderful dream. I still feel the energy. My faith got much stronger. I feel stronger than I used to be. 

All the events that took place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were extremely touching. Every word that Pope Francis has spoken matched exactly with all the things that my friends and I have learned with the Community.

I've changed. I don't feel like that little girl so afraid of almost everything. Now I understand. Everything is perfectly clear, because I've listened to God. He has spoken to me through this experience of being a small part in WYD. We were 3 million people with different cultures, but one faith. 

What Pope Francis said was so beautiful. We shall not fear anything, because God is always with us. You see, being right next to the Pope doesn't mean you are closer to God. Going to the church only to pray is not enough either. But while you're helping the others, then you find Jesus right in front of you. 

What I liked the most about the Community Sant'Egidio is the importance that the participants give to friendship. That's all we need. That's a wonderful present not only to offer but also to receive. Now we have to wait for the fruits that this tree planted in Rio will give. "Go, do not be afraid, and serve" - Pope Francis, WYD Rio2013. 

“For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you took care of Me; I was in prison and you visited Me.” (Matthew, 25).

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